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St. Joseph’s Preparatory School’s Era of Transformation

February 23rd, 2024

Building Tomorrow: The Inspiring Stories behind St. Joseph’s Preparatory School’s Era of Transformation

A Q&A with John Marinacci

At Halyard, we love every aspect of a construction project – from planning to ribbon cutting. But the best parts of any project are the stories it makes possible. Stories of how the team worked together to tackle challenges. Stories of “ah-ha” moments and the collaboration and creativity that made them happen. And, most importantly, stories of how people’s lives are enhanced by the new spaces. These stories are particularly inspiring in our work with academic partners – and that’s why some of our favorite Halyard stories right now are coming from our ongoing collaboration with St. Joseph’s Preparatory School (SJP) in Philadelphia.

Since 2021, the Halyard team has served as an Owner’s Representative for a wide range of renovations that have touched almost every SJP facility and aspect of student and teacher life. We completed the second massive chapter of the project in the fall of 2023 – and as we move deeper into the impressive next chapter we are writing together, now felt like the perfect time to sit down with John Marinacci, President, SJP, to reflect on all we’ve accomplished together – and “what’s next” in this exciting era for the SJP community.



HALYARD: What inspired SJP’s decision to embark on such a comprehensive renovation project?

JOHN: We reached a point in our school’s history where the question really wasn’t “why should we do this?” but rather, “how can we best evolve and enhance the educational experience for our students and faculty?" Our facilities, while rich in tradition, were greatly in need of modernization to support the evolving needs of education and our promise to offer a dynamic and forward-thinking learning environment.

We spoke with young alums to guide our early planning, and they made it clear that SJP served them well – academically, spiritually, and socially – but what was missing was state-of-the-art facilities and access to new technology, especially in STEM fields where hands-on learning is a necessity. Current students and faculty also provided valuable insights about everything from classroom needs to inspired ideas for our sports and recreation facilities.

We quickly realized that we were doing more than modernizing our aesthetics; we were designing spaces that would foster collaboration, innovation, growth, and overall well-being. Yes, we renovated structures, but more importantly, we have transformed (and are continuing to transform!) the very essence of our educational ecosystem to ensure every corner of our campus resonates with the spirit of excellence and community – and prepares our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.


HALYARD: Now that Phase 2 is completed, what do you think have been the biggest wins from the renovation so far?

JOHN: I would need to share a very long list to do that question justice! This renovation has revitalized and amplified everything from our state-of-the-art theater to our expanded athletics facilities to spaces like our gaming / VR center. And our classrooms switched from slate blackboards and heavy desks that students had to muscle together to work in groups to smartboards and room layouts optimized for collaboration.

But what makes me the proudest are the enhancements that made the biggest difference in strengthening our community and bringing us together. As an example, one of the many lessons of COVID was the need for comprehensive counseling services for our students. We transformed our counseling center from one small corner of the building to a more centralized, open, inviting space for students. Today, students often use the counseling center just to “hang out” – and a wide range of support services are there if they need them. This approach takes the stigma away from getting help when you need it – and makes it a more regular part of how we take care of each other.


HALYARD: How has Halyard provided the most value to the SJP team?

JOHN: I would need a long list for this one too! Let me start with this broad statement… I’ve been involved in manyrenovation / construction projects, and I’ve seen it done well – but the Halyard team has helped us do it better than anything I’ve ever experienced. You kept us on track and on budget – when it seemed near impossible to do so with all the twists and turns we faced.

We greatly appreciated Mike Hanna’s expertise and leadership every step of the way – from RFPs and vendor selection, to timeline and logistics, to creative ideas to make the most out of our spaces. We don’t have this expertise, so we relied heavily on Mike to hold standards high, navigate bumps, and keep us on track.

At SJP, we often talk about a “fierceness” to making the most of an education. Everyone on the Halyard team applies that same fierceness to how they approach their work – and that made all the difference in every successful outcome of our partnership.


HALYARD: What do you see as the biggest challenges we overcame together the renovation work completed to-date?

JOHN: Budget and scheduling are challenging in most renovations, but we faced some unique hurdles in those areas over the past couple of years. Regarding budget, COVID created unprecedented supply chain challenges and pricing hikes. Thankfully, Mike helped us pivot as needed, as well as understand what was possible and what wasn’t. This allowed us to make the smartest decisions and stay on budget despite all the changes.

Regarding scheduling, due to the massive size of both project phases completed so far, we had to be very creative and methodical to keep the school running. Mike helped us manage all the contractors and shuffling of spaces, and we were able to stay fully functional – from performing our spring play to running our summer programs that host over 600 kids on campus!

This might be a trite thing to say, but most of our challenges really did turn into opportunities. As an example, our “ribbon cutting” for certain facilities happened during the school year. Typically, ideal timing is in the late summer, so teachers can learn how to use the new technology. But we quickly discovered that we don’t have to keep our “doors shut” on something new until the faculty becomes experts. The students taught us a lot and helped lead the way – ultimately highlighting how much we can learn from each other as a community in new ways.


HALYARD: What’s a favorite Halyard moment?

JOHN: Any story about how we’re using the new spaces to do incredible things reminds me of how Halyard and Mike made it possible. But I do have a favorite Mike story to share…

I really enjoyed seeing Mike having fun at our gala celebration last year after we wrapped up Phase 2. He’s always “on” for us, so it was fantastic to watch him let his hair down, laugh with the faculty, and share funny project stories. The fact that Mike is so at home in our community matters, because at the end of the day, that’s what means the most to us: our community and all the relationships that make it great.


HALYARD: As you look forward to next steps in this transformational era for SJP, what excites you the most?

JOHN: The majority of our projects have focused on our inside spaces. We’re turning that focus outside the walls – everything from parking to sports facilities to landscaping. Most importantly, we want to better incorporate the school into the Philadelphia community. We’re proud to be here, and we want to take tangible steps to make our school look and feel like a connected part of the neighborhood.

The SJP community has been dreaming about this all-encompassing transformation for decades, and it’s beyond exciting to know that we have everything we need – the team, the passion, and support from our generous donors – to make that vision a reality for our students, faculty, and extended community. There’s so much more to come, and we look forward to seeing our transformational story continue to grow – this year and well beyond.

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